
Iina hietanen
Iina hietanen

iina hietanen

In this study, we investigate several important aspects of early-onset menopausal transition. Variation and covariation of occlusion, dental arch shape and facial shape The study results will guide healthcare professionals to pay attention to the important health and life quality issues when facing women with early menopause. The evaluation of occlusion, dental arches and facial characteristics are important part of the orthodontic treatment planning. Dental arches and occlusion develop under the influence of function, such as breathing and chewing, and mild changes occur throughout life. The dental arch form has been suggested to be associated with dental malocclusions, craniofacial deviations and mouth breathing.

iina hietanen

Sylki ja sen merkitys suun terveyden kannaltaĭisc4All training network to advance integrated computational simulations in translational medicine applied to intervertebral disc degeneration The second aim is to study the associations of certain general diseases, such as asthma and sleep apnea, with dentofacial morphology.Įating and physical activity behaviors in women with PCOS: associations with body image, temperament, and psychological wellbeing The main objective of this study is to investigate the variations and covariations of occlusion, dental arch morphology and facial morphology in the Northern Finland Birth Cohorts (NFBC) 19. This project utilises intervertebral disc degeneration (LDD) leading to low back pain (LBP) as a relevant application for the integration of data and computational simulations in translational medicine, to enable rational interpretations of the complexity of the interactions that eventually lead to symptoms. LBP is the largest cause of morbidity worldwide, yet there remains controversy as to the specific cause leading to poor treatment options and prognosis.

Iina hietanen